Why is God faithful?

While involved in my pursuit of godliness I just wanted to share with other people why God's glory is so important in my life.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


I was talking with a friend this Sunday at church and he asked me how I was doing. I told him that it had been a really rough week. He then proceeded to ask me, "How has God revealed His grace to you this week." What a great questions. This really got me thinking later. I started thinking about how much grace there is in my life and how much of it I'm unaware of. I like the question because it made me think that the grace was always there I was just unawares. It's not like God started being gracious and I was aware of it from that point, but that God has always been and is and always will be gracious and He is continuously seeking ways to show it to us. I answered my friend's question, I believe true to the nature that he was looking for (my answer is for another entry hopefully soon), but he made me look at my response to, "How was your week," in a different light. What a great question though. I think it would do us all a great service if we had that kind of perspective on life. When we're talking with others or when we're talking with God. Seeking to know how God has revealed His grace to us, whether it be through the revealing of sin or us being encouraged by something we read in His Word. This is all grace, it is all from God and through faith in His Son that we have any of it. I would encourage you to have this perspective when talking with people, trying to find grace in their lives. Also we should be seeking ways to help others understand ways in which God has revealed grace to them as well. My friend had this perspective Sunday and I was greatly encouraged by it, so maybe I can also encourage someone by posing this question to them in the future.


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